Home » Blog » Email Marketing » How to set up an automated email newsletter with Mailchimp


  1. Thank you for your detail explanation. I was doing this manually and at times use to simply forget it or it was getting too much. Though I knew there will be some automated task in mailchimp, I did not get time or bother to look into this. When I saw your post in fb group, I immediately bookmarked it and today finally did it. Thank You

    1. You are welcome Renu! So pleased you found it helpful. It’s nice to have some tasks automated so they don’t get forgotten or take up too much time! Eb 🙂

  2. Hi,

    Thank you for the great post! For some reason when I put the RSS item for content summary only (and have summary checked on wordpress reading), it still shows the full text! Do you know what I’m missing?



    1. Hi Jamie! So pleased you are finding my posts helpful! That’s really strange, if you have checked summary in WordPress reading, that shouldn’t even be possible as your RSS feed will only be showing summaries. I’ve just checked your feed (at http://www.jamiechancetravels.com/feed/) and it is definitely only showing excerpts. The only thing I can think of is that possibly what you are viewing in MailChimp hasn’t refreshed. In that case you should find that after you publish your next post it will refresh and you will see only a summary. I guess the other thing you could check is that you have put http://www.jamiechancetravels.com/feed/ into the section where MailChimp asks you for your feed URL (sometimes people put a Feedburner feed URL in there, which kicks out all sorts of problems). Hope that helps! Eb 🙂

  3. This is exactly the information I have been searching for, so thank you! I am having a couple problems that I just cannot seem to figure out. No matter what I’ve tried, images will not show up. Second, in the email where is says ‘the post ___ appeared first on ___’ it will show the blog title but not my blog name. I cannot figure out how to fix it!! I’ve been manually sending out newsletters each week, which is nice because I can personalize them, but it takes so much extra time. I need to switch to this automated system for a while, so thank you for your detailed instructions. Any ideas of how I can fix these problems would be appreciated, I’m sure I’m just being dumb about something.

    1. Thanks Niki – so pleased you found this useful!

      With regards to your image problem – what are you putting in the section where it asks for your blog’s ‘feed’? This should be littlehouseofstones.com/feed I know people have had problems with this when they’ve used a different feed (e.g. from feedburner). If that doesn’t work, you may need to try a different image plugin from the one I suggested.

      Regarding the part about‘the post ___ appeared first on ___’ – you can change these settings in the Yoast Plugin. Go to this tutorial: https://www.productiveblogging.com/yoast-seo-plugin-setup/ and see SEARCH APPEARANCE SETTINGS, section 7. RSS TAB. That should fix it! Eb 🙂

  4. Thanks so much for sharing this valuable and informative post. I think mailchimp is great.

    I offer some 26 session email based creative writing courses that I’m thinking of automating through mailchimp. Do you know whether there is a maximum on the number of emails that can be sent per automation? I’ve had a good look around the platform and can’t find the answer?

    Thanks, in advance, for your help.

    PS – will recommend your blog to my creative writing students who are all working on novels to promote!

    1. Hi Maria, and thank you! So pleased you found this post helpful 😀 I am afraid I don’t know whether there is a maximum on the number of emails that can be sent per automation. I’ve certainly never seen or read anything that suggests there might be. Could you perhaps try it out (just create the 26 emails, with just a template and/or some holding text for now) and see if it works? It should be quite a quick job to create the 26 email automation without the text, then, if it works, you can then add the real text and get the emails looking the way you want them. If, for some reason, MailChimp won’t let you create an automation this long, it might be worth creating a series of smaller automations instead – where the condition of joining part 2 is that you’ve completed part 1 etc. Hope that helps, and thank you so much for recommending my blog to your students, that’s so kind of you! Eb 🙂

  5. Hi Eb!
    First of all thank you for your post, I found it after a while and It is exactly what I need it!
    I follow every step of your guide but, for some reason is not working. Mailchimp’s still showing date, author, and the email subject reads *|RSSFEED:TITLE*, like literally. Any ideas on what I might be doing wrong? Thank you! 😀

    1. You are welcome! So pleased you have found it helpful. Hmmm – that is strange. There’s two things I can think of that might be a issue with your email subject line. The first is to make sure you double check you are using the ‘automation’ email called ‘share blog updates’ as per step 3. The second is to double check you have copied across exactly the right format for the email subject >>> *|RSSITEM:TITLE|* (I notice you have missed off a | in what you wrote above, for example). With the date and author still showing up, again just double check what you have written is exactly what I have in the final image in step 7 and then hit save and close again. Hope that helps! Eb 🙂

  6. THANK YOU so much for your detailed and helpful article! I got everything going just as you said until I got to the part “HOW TO GET IMAGES INTO YOUR MAILCHIMP RSS EMAIL”. I installed the plugin and clicked “save changes” and went back to preview, but it’s still not there… ? Is this not a free plugin? Did I need to click “upgrade now” and pay? Why isn’t my image showing? I also cleared my cache in my blog and my web browser..

    1. Hi Dee, I am so sorry you are having problems. I am unsure why the image isn’t showing. It is a free plugin and you should get an image even if you haven’t upgraded. I suggest the first thing to do is to quickly double check you have followed the steps correctly (sometimes it is just one tiny thing that makes everything else not work properly!). If that doesn’t fix the problem, I suggest you contact the plugin’s support – they have free support via the WordPress Support Forum. If that doesn’t work, one option you do have available to you is to sign up for a 14 day free trial, which comes with premium support – get them to help you set it up, then cancel the free trial. More details about the plugin here >> https://en-gb.wordpress.org/plugins/featured-images-for-rss-feeds/ Hope that helps! Eb 🙂

  7. Hi,


    I just wanted to say thank you. This article was so incredibly helpful I couldn’t stop gushing over it. I subscribed right away because this is exactly the sort of content I am interested in. Great job being clear with your directions. You provide an easy step-by-step that made setting up an automated email with Mail Chimp super easy!

  8. Thanks Eb – this is exactly what I’ve been looking for – I’ve been meaning to set up an automated email for ages but kept putting it off because it meant researching how to do it. Now I can finally get round to it. This is going to save me so much time 🙂

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