Home » Blog » Monetize your Blog » How to make money on your blog…with advertising


  1. Hi. Thank you for your articles. I’ve just started blogging, and not sure about making money with blogs. Affiliate program may be the most recommended. Since I’m a newbie, I’m not sure if these programs are safe, and would I be responsible for the promoted products?

    1. Hi Chloe! Yes, I agree – if you are new to blogging, the best place to start is most definitely affiliate links. In general, if you join a reputable affiliate scheme (e.g Amazon, Share a Sale) then yes these programmes are safe. You should not be responsible for the promoted products – you are only linking to another website with a recommendation. But if it makes you feel safer, then why not include a line in your Disclosure Policy which says that the products you link to are recommendations only and you do not accept any liability for any losses/problems people may experience by buying them? Hope that helps! Eb 🙂

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