Comments on: A beginner’s guide to affiliate marketing for bloggers Blog Smarter Not Harder Thu, 22 Sep 2022 07:51:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Eb Gargano Thu, 22 Sep 2022 07:51:10 +0000 In reply to Sofia.

Hi Sofia, I’ll be honest – some links in some of my older posts are the old ‘ugly’ links, simply because I did not start using Pretty Links until a few years ago. Although I keep the content of my posts regularly updated, it would be a big job to switch over all the links. I am doing it gradually… but boy do I wish I had started out using Pretty Links. You are right that there are some affiliate schemes which don’t allow you to use Pretty Links (Amazon is the main one I know of), but personally I use Pretty Links for all the others. I explain the HTML you need to use in this post: Hope that helps! Eb 🙂

By: Sofia Wed, 21 Sep 2022 19:24:14 +0000 Hi Eb! Thank you so much for this post and freebie. You’re blog has been extremely helpful.
One question, I see you sometimes use a pretty link, and for others (like many links on your resources page) you just use the original (ugly) affiliate link. Do you do that when the company doesn’t allow for link cloaking/to use Pretty Links? I am finding that a lot of companies don’t so I am considering if it would just be better (although much more difficult) to do everything manually… If that’s the case, could you perhaps help me understand what HTML I need to add to each link? (Like the sponsored, opener, etc)…

I am just thinking that if some companies don’t allow to use a plugin like Pretty Links if its not even more difficult to have two ways of doing it…
I’d love to know your thoughts and process.

Thank you again! Sofia
