Comments on: Should you delete old blog posts? Blog Smarter Not Harder Wed, 14 Feb 2024 14:57:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: Eb Gargano Wed, 14 Feb 2024 14:57:28 +0000 In reply to Ashleigh.

Definitely leave them up. Or you’ll lose any of the benefit of using an old link and it’ll basically be like you are starting with a brand new post. I recommend you delete everything that’s not salvageable first. Then order your poor quality posts from worst to best and tackle the worst first. That way, the time with the really bad posts will be short. I would also make your poor quality posts hard to find from your reader’s perspective, so at least a regular reader won’t see them unless they stumble across them in a search. That way, your website will appear high quality to your readers. Hope that helps! Eb 🙂

By: Ashleigh Tue, 13 Feb 2024 20:37:07 +0000 I have a lot of old blog posts that are salvageable, but it’s going to take a while for me to update them all. In the meantime, is it better to leave the poor-quality posts up, or delete them until I have the time to rewrite them?

By: Eb Gargano Tue, 29 Aug 2023 09:25:12 +0000 In reply to Mary St. Dennis.

Good question! It depends on a few factors. First, how important / relevant is that search term to your website? So, for example, with your website… Let’s say ‘Where to keep ducks?’ or ‘What to feed ducks?’ had super high competition, well, you’d still want those posts on your site because a site about ducks that didn’t cover those topics would be a bit odd… and lacking in topical authority… So in that case, I’d still update them. But if it was a peripheral topic or off topic altogether, then I’d be much more inclined to delete them. Another consideration could be, can they be repurposed to target an adjacent lower competition keyword? So, for example say you had a post targeting ‘Backyard homesteading’… and that was high competition, maybe you could target instead ‘Backyard homesteading for beginners’ ‘Backyard homesteading in a small backyard’ or ‘Backyard homesteading when you don’t have much time’ or whatever is relevant to your site, lower competition, but still reasonable traffic volumes. You might also like to consider whether you can get traffic to that page via internal links… There are some blog posts that may never do all that well with direct Google traffic, but which you link to frequently from other posts and so get good traffic from internal link clicks. You might also like to double check the post’s backlink profile before deleting… in case it has some really strong backlinks. You can do that easily here >>> (Just make sure that you select exact page from the dropdown before pasting in your post’s link) Hope that helps! Eb 🙂

By: Mary St. Dennis Sun, 27 Aug 2023 21:17:02 +0000 If you have some un productive posts, that could be updated, but have wicked high competition, would it be better to just delete rather than spending the time on rewriting?

By: Eb Gargano Sat, 17 Jun 2023 08:48:22 +0000 In reply to Thea.

Hi Thea – great to hear this post helped you! Unfortunately, yes, if you have the date in your URLs then, if you change the date, the URL changes too. In an ideal world you would get someone to sort out your permalinks so they don’t show the date, but if you go down that route, get it done properly by someone who knows what they are doing! But you don’t have to republish when you update a post – Google knows you’ve updated a post whether you republish or not. Having a ‘last updated’ date isn’t necessary for Google but it is good for your readers – to know your content is up-to-date and still relevant… and it will also improve your click through rate from Google because people tend to click on more recent information, and Google will often show the last updated date in the search results… so in a roundabout way it is also good for SEO. Hope that helps! Eb 🙂

By: Thea Sat, 17 Jun 2023 04:41:46 +0000 Hi Eb This post really helped me a lot but I have some questions please. My blog is 12 years old and I changed niches in that time so I have a lot to delete as well as a lot to salvage, update and republish. Unfortunately, when I started blogging I picked the date permalink option so I am wondering what will happen when I update the post to a new date. I assume it doesn’t change the permalink? and if it did would that be a problem for SEO? If the permalink doesn’t change I was thinking about using one of those ‘last updated plugins’, do you think that would fix my date problem?
Come to think of it, when you talk about updating a blog post, are you also talking about republishing them or just updating them or both?
I also have quite a few posts on the same topic to combine into one post so thanks for covering that. 🙂
I am new to your website and am really enjoying your content.
Cheers Thea

By: Eb Gargano Thu, 23 Mar 2023 15:59:42 +0000 In reply to Gary.

You’re welcome! Glad it helped 😀

By: Gary Thu, 23 Mar 2023 15:44:24 +0000 Thanks for confirming it’s ok to do this, I was always worried about deleting old posts!

By: Eb Gargano Mon, 06 Mar 2023 09:06:13 +0000 In reply to Sarah Dale.

Glad you found my post helpful! Wishing you all the best with your rebrand 😀

By: Sarah Dale Sun, 05 Mar 2023 01:00:15 +0000 Hi! I discovered this post as I was searching for the answers you gave here. I am working on rebranding my blog and I only have about 8-10 posts and have since deleted the posts on my socials so for the most part the readers shouldn’t find them…but I am thinking of deleting all the blog posts which will lead them to a 404 page that I have created. Thank you for this information. I’ll be doing this once I figure out what blog posts I want to create in place of these I’m deleting.
